Challenging Boundaries
Challenging Boundaries
Unbounded Spaced was formed in 2015 to reduce boundaries and barriers that prevented people reaching their full potential. It has focused on advancing and empowering people by overcoming trauma, and developing trust, skills for future employment, and achieving aspirations for personal development.
Our vision at Unbounded Space is a future where people can reach their maximum potential, despite major obstacles and challenges
Unbounded Space advances and empowers people by providing comprehensive services and activities, which reduce the effects of traumatic experiences, and supports personal growth through life skills, psychosocial support, training, and a safe environment
Unbounded Space has a comprehensive and collaborative approach to provide much-needed services, as well as also focus on building capacity and reducing trafficking and violence through communications and awareness raising. Economic empowerment methods will be used through training, micro-finance, and referral networks
3rd December International Day for Persons with Disabilities, has become a wonderful day for all of us, Unbounded Space members, friends and friends-to-be. We had a great experience in the dark singing, drawing, playing games, sharing and having deep conversations together. Also in the dark, together we found out that life is still full of colors, joy and more importantly love and connection.
For more images and detail, visit our Facebook page now!
Eventhough outside there was a heavy rain with lightning and thunder, it did nothing but made our souls more energetic to shake off all barriers and travel to a whole new world of art. What a day to remember!
For more images and detail, visit our Facebook page :)
Unbounded Space was honoured to be invited to the Address to the People of Vietnam of President of United States Barrack Obama
(For more infomation and images, visit our facebook page)
Unbounded Space together with iSEE Vietnam and so many more group/project/start-up social interprise brought a lot of new experiences to the participants. What a great day!
(For more infomation and images, visit our facebook page)
The 'My Idea: Students with Inclusive Education' workshop organized by Unbounded Space
brought out a lot feelings and emotions, and emphasised the importance of not considering disability as different.
(For more images and infomation, visit our Facebook Page)
Hangout Together Event - We have had so much fun TOGETHER!
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